Your Complete Guide to 90 Day Reporting Online in Thailand
If you have been in Thailand for longer than 90 days legally then you already know that every 90 days you must report your current address to your nearest immigration office. This can be severely inconvenient especially if you want to travel to another province during the time you are supposed to make an appearance at your local office with your passport and all your paperwork.
Before online reporting became available your options for reporting were limited to the office nearest your home, or by registered post, however the post mark needs to come from your province so if you were travelling outside your area during the time you need to report this option would not work.
The other option was to have a sponsor write a letter for you stating that you are family and are just visiting their home temporarily and you could get permission to do a one time reporting at another immigration office. This would not be possible without a sponsor so if you were simply wanting to travel for personal reasons it would be impossible during your address check in time.
As of 1 April 2015 online reporting is now possible.
How can I complete my 90 day address report to Immigration online?
Any foreigner who has received a temporary stay permit in the Kingdom of Thailand must report their home address to the Immigration Bureau every 90 days. Reporting in person may be done 15 days prior or 7 days after the due date to be considered on time. Failure to report your address in the given period may result in fines up to 5,000 baht and even arrest.
**The online application process can only be completed using Internet Explorer web browser**
Open a new Internet Explorer browser and visit
In order to process the address notification online the foreign applicant must submit their address within 15 days of the due date, and not less than 7 days before the due date. If the due date is less than 7 days away online reporting is not available and the applicant must report in person to the nearest immigration office.
In order to use the online reporting feature the applicant must use the same address information already on file with immigration. If the address changes online reporting may not be used. If an address is used that does not match what is on file then the online application will be issued a tag and the applicant will have to report to the nearest immigration office.
How long does it take to process an online 90 day check in?
Once you complete your application it will be giving an “in progress” status. The application will take 7 working days to process. You may check your online application status 7 days after submission.
Once the application has been approved the status will change again and you will be able to print out the receipt to keep in your passport to be presented to authorities upon request. On the receipt will be the next due date for the next 90 day report.
What happens if my application is denied or not processed in time?
If the application is not accepted, or is not finished in time the applicant will still have to report to the nearest immigration office with the following documents:
- Original Passport
- Departure Card (form TM6)
- Previous receipt from notification (if applicable)
- Completed TM47 that is signed by the applicant
**You may authorize an agent to do this for you if they have all the above documents and you are not late for reporting.
Does the 90 day online feature work yet?
We have read confirmation from at least two users have reported successfully being able to process their 90 day address check in online.
Additionally we have a client that reported to us that they attempted to process their application online 26 March which was the day the website went live. However it was not being used by immigration until 1 April. He had to go into the office and they explained to him that although his first attempt was unsuccessful that was due to a glitch in the system that did not search for any attempts prior to 1 April. He was assured that his future attempts will be processed in accordance with the new online policies.
**The online application process can only be completed using Internet Explorer web browser**
Open a new Internet Explorer browser and visit
If you experienced this do not fret, just try again next time and all should be well.
Be sure to keep track of your status. Even though this feature is now available it is still the applicants responsibility to make sure the application gets processed on time and if it does not for any reason the applicant will still need to go into their local immigration office to complete the report.
If you need assistance using the online service the official Immigration Services Hotline can be reached at 1178 or 1111.