I wish to stay in Thailand a further 30 days I have just returned from the Cambodian border on a standard visa run and I have received only 15 days at the border yet my friend went to Singapore and returned via Bangkok airport and was given 30 days!! Have they made a mistake at the Cambodian border?
This is not a mistake, If you enter Thailand on a {VOA} which is a 30 day free visa on arrival and you wish to go on a Cambodian visa run or cross a border via land you will only receive 15 days when you re-enter, If you leave Thailand via the airport and re-enter...
Darren, I am 65 years old and live in Thailand on a one year retirement visa every year I show the immigration bureau my funds of 800,000.00 baht in the bank I am currently in the process of bringing my 49 year old American wife to Thailand to live with me I am concerned about her visa can she come to Thailand on the 30 day arrival visa and then convert to a retirement visa as my wife and do I also have to deposit a further 800,000.00 in my Thailand bank to cover her visa, I have heard so many different stories.
It is imperative that your wife comes to Thailand on a 90 day non-immigrant visa because she is not at the age of 50 years she cannot change the visa on arrival 30 days to a non-immigrant visa which is needed to start the process of a retirement visa and it is also...
I have come to Thailand with a one year non-immigrant o type visa multiple entry I have just checked my visa stamp that I was given at the airport and they have only stamped me 30 days and not 90 days what can I do?
We have seen this on numerous occasions, you can go to your local immigration office and very politely point the mistake out to them and ask if they can change the date for you and give you your allocated days, if they will not you can go back to the airport and ask...
I have just lost my passport what do I need to do please?
Unfortunately losing passports seems to be a common trend, the first thing you have to do is visit your nearest police station and make a report to the officer they will in turn give you a copy of the police report, you then contact your embassy or consulate or if...
I have just returned from a visa trip to the Thai consulate in Vientiane, Laos to obtain a double entry tourist visa but they only gave me a single because I only had two pages left in my passport is this a new rule?
I would not say this is a new rule I would say it is more about if you were to utilize the double tourist visa in your passport you would need more than two pages, the reason being that when the tourist visa is issued it takes one full page and then you need room for...
Why should we use key visa?
With a proven track record and 13 years experience as immigration consultants we have succeeded were many have failed. This is due to our professionalism and our personal touch with all our clients. We are the largest visa consulting company in Pattaya with members of...
Visa company low price starting scam
Thailand Visa company low price starting scam There is not a day goes by were we do not here clients having problems with Thailand visa companies that start with a very low price "normally 5,000 to 10,000 Thai baht" to obtain a UK tourist visa for your Thai wife/ Thai...
confessions of a go-go girl
Confessions of a Go-go Girl. By: Tongue Thai’d. I have lived a rather strange existence of late, a platonic ménage’ au trois that was both frustrating, in a cold shower sort of way, and yet at the same time very interesting. Sound strange? It sure was! You see, with...
Thailand Visa Run Rules
Thailand has an ever changing immigration rules, changing that often that when I stop for lunch and get back, I am out of date on the latest changes. A couple of years ago Thailand changed the 30 on arrival visa, you could only get 3 of these visas in a 6 month...
How Do I Marry My Thai Wife In Thailand?
Question – How do I marry my Thai wife in Thailand? One of our services at Key Visa is to offer a complete marriage service which involves dealing with the Thai Ministry Of Foreign Affairs on your behalf and organizing the correct documentation which is very important...
Thai girlfriend travel to which country without a visa
Thai girlfriend travel to without a visa What country can my Thai girlfriend travel to without a visa? If you have future plans of spending some quality time with your Thai girlfriend and unfortunately the UK / British Embassy has refused a Tourist or UK settlement...
Thai marriage and registration service
Thai marriage and registration service Prepare all documents Escort to your Embassy No Hassle Arrange all further documents Apply to Change partners passport to married name 1- day express Thai marriage and registration service Our personal chauffeur shall take...
No visa, no fee, no conditions what is the catch?
There is no catch or risk for yourself and your partner, at Key visa we have a policy and a very simple contract in Thai and English that clearly states if the visa is refused we refund any monies given to Key visa back to the client less the associated Embassy fee of...
No Visa No Fee No Condition
Our Promise No Visa, No Fee, No condition. If we do not help you successfully apply and be granted a visa for Thailand or A Thai National, we will not charge you. There are no conditions attached.
Obtaining a Thai Visa in Penang
Since the memorable visa changes on the 1st October 2006, the city of Penang in Malaysia has become a host to hundreds of visa seekers on a weekly basis, as this seems to be a less harsh consulate to do business with. In Penang there is an array of visa agents willing...
Thai Non Immigrant Visa
You obtain your non-immigrant visa before you enter Thailand from an embassy or a Thai consulate in your home country. If you go to the website address www.thaiembassy.org/ you will find details on all Thailand embassies and consulates in your home country including...