UK Settlement (TB) x-ray
Before you can submit a UK settlement visa a Thai National has to undergo a body x-ray to prove to the British Embassy that they do not have Tuberculosis (TB) even though it is very unlikely your spouse or their child may have TB it is another hurdle that has to be overcome before you can apply for the UK visa.
This test is only required for any Thai National wishing to reside for longer than 6 months.The TB x-ray was introduced many years ago due to the more frequent signs of TB in South East Asia and normally a simple x-ray can show your Thai partner does not carry the TB virus.
Can I have the test done any hospital?
The answer is NO it must be completed in Bangkok at the International Organization for Migration their sole job is to test and to make sure migrants to the UK are TB free before they apply for the UK visa.
How long does it take?
If you Thai partner passes the IOM x-ray then a certificate is issued on the same day but if unfortunately the assessor notices something unusual on the x-ray then it could be the start of more tests and a minimum of a 3 month wait for clearance.
Which office do we go to?
- You first have to go to the IOM office to register and give all your details they will then start to prepare your certificate.
- You then go to the assessment center which is where your Thai partner will undergo the x-ray
- If all is clear you then go back to the IOM office to collect the certificate we have given both addresses below for guidance.
Why could my partner fail?
There are no set reasons but experience has shown that it is not a good idea for your Thai partner to take the test if they have influenza or a chest infection as this could show up on the x-ray and can be misleading, another reason which is totally out of anybody’s control is an old scar on the lungs maybe from an infection in younger life which also can show up as a shadow making the assessor unsure which would then lead to more tests.
Make sure you do not send your Thai partner for the x-ray if they are not fit and well.
Can we just arrive at the IOM?
- You cannot go to the IOM without booking an appointment first and this is done online.
- All the UK sponsors details are required which is printed on the certificate, as per guidelines
- You must also provide copies of identification and passport photographs – Key Visa can make copies for you.
Which office do we go to?
- You first have to go to the IOM office to register and give all your details they will then start to prepare your certificate.
- You then go to the assessment center which is where your Thai partner will undergo the x-ray
- If all is clear you then go back to the IOM office to collect the certificate we have given both addresses below for guidance.
Migration Health Assessment Center (MHAC Bangkok)
Tuberculosis (TB) screening for the UK, AUS & CAN
120 Kasemkij Building, 8th floor
Silom Road, Bangrak,
Tel: (66) 2-234-7950-5
Fax: (66) 2-234-7956
Email: [email protected]
What if my partner is pregnant?
If your Thai partner is pregnant they will need to know at the start as it could be harmful to the baby as all x-rays can.
The IOM will normally give your Thai partner the choice to continue with the test and if so they will be made to sign a disclaimer which is normal practice. Having an x-ray whilst pregnant can be harmful to the baby so you should consider this before booking the appointment.
At Key Visa part of our service when applying for a UK settlement visa is to
- Book the appointment on line
- Prepare the necessary documentation
- Take your Thai partner or child to the IOM
- Complete the x-ray and bring back the certificate to add to the visa application
The UK Settlement x-ray can be complicated without professional help which is why Key Visa should be considered to help you with the full visa application.
For a UK Settlement visa and all associated costs at very competitive rates and no hidden agenda can you please contact us at [email protected] or call our office in Thailand on +6638 422 131
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