Where To Meet Up With Other Thais In The UK

Where To Meet Up With Other Thais In The UK

Thai nationals who move to the U.K. face quite a few challenges. To help them settle in it is important for them to understand where they can meet up with other Thais who are living or visiting the British Isles. We will look at just three examples of where Thai’s can...
Adjusting To The Weather In The UK

Adjusting To The Weather In The UK

A major concern for Thai’s who either visit the U.K. on holiday, or who decide to live there permanently is the weather! Below we will look at the four seasons you will have to contend with. Spring This season lasts from March to May and is when the countryside is in...
British passport renewal changes for Brits

British passport renewal changes for Brits

British passport renewal changes for Brits in Thailand Please note that from the 11th December 2013 if you are wishing to renew a British passport from Thailand you no longer send you passport to Hong Kong it is sent direct to the UK passport Office in Liverpool, UK...