Preparing For Your Trip To Australia

Preparing For Your Trip To Australia

Australia is a country known for its political stability, low crime rates, high standards of health care, good education and a well-maintained infrastructure. Despite the fact that it is safe and relative easy to explore, let’s not forget that a new country...
Driving in Thailand – How to survive

Driving in Thailand – How to survive

People who live in or visit Thailand will always mention three things when telling about this fascinating country. They will tell you that the people are the friendliest, most gentle souls on the face of the earth. They will also expound on the incredible foods and...
UK permanent residence permit is not for life

UK permanent residence permit is not for life

If your Thai wife has been lucky enough to receive a permanent residence permit to reside in the UK with you as her UK husband for the rest of her life then this is an honor so it should be respected and not taken for granted. A UK permanent residence permit is now...
Always carry ID in Thailand as it is the law

Always carry ID in Thailand as it is the law

Thailand like most countries expect foreign holiday makers or residents to carry a copy of their passport with them as it is can be used for identification but it also shows that they have a visa to reside in the Kingdom legally. It also is very important to have...
Top three dishes to try in Ireland

Top three dishes to try in Ireland

A trip to Ireland wouldn’t be complete without sampling a few of Ireland’s signature dishes. One of which is the world renowned Irish Stew, traditionally made with lamb’s neck. Bear in mind that lamb can be an acquired taste, and add mint sauce sparingly when...