Australian Civil Partnership Visa
Persons in same-sex relationships can also apply for an Australian settlement visa. Known as a civil partnership visa, this document confers the same rights as a settlement visa for a different-sex marital relationship. As in many countries you can now enter into a civil partnership in Australia and live as any other married couple with no legal prejudice and all the same protections afforded to you by law.
At Key Visa Thailand we are very well known for dealing with lesbian, transsexual, gay and bisexual relationships relationships that give other, less well versed, companies difficulty. Some of our colleagues feel it is not possible for an LGBT couple to obtain a settlement visa to Australia – this is simply not correct. As a legitimate partnership you have the same rights as any other applicants wishing to go to Australia for a holiday or migration, regardless of romantic preference.
It is always advisable to let your Thai partner visit Australia before applying for a visa. This is for a few reasons, including experiencing the differences in culture and letting the embassy officers see that your Thai partner has met your family in Australia and returned to Thailand on time.
This demonstrates that they are genuine and that your intention to form a civil partnership are sincere, not manufactured. With same sex relationships it is majorly important to show a long-standing, substantial and genuine relationship to give the Australian Embassy clearing officer the strong impression that there is no hidden agenda.

We take care of all online and paper application forms and associated letters and are completely hands-on from start to finish whilst constantly communicating to update local and overseas customers on the application progress so you can relax and leave it to us

An English owned and managed company with bilingual English / Thai staff who will help your Thai partner through the entire process with no hassle and full support from the beginning of the process right up until you receive your visa

We are a well respected company and affiliated with the Pattaya Expats club. Our team go above and beyond to offer simply the best visa service in Thailand with additional benefits not offered by any other company such as an airport concierge for solo travellers.

18 years of visa experience, honesty and integrity for both our Thai national and expat clients.

Nationwide service across Thailand, no matter where you live in the country we can solve your visa problems

We make visa applications seamless, keeping you informed every step of the way.
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