Australian and UK visa contact information

visaSome people like to disagree but after 14 years of experience the most important part of a visa application to Australia or the UK is the contact information between you and your Thai partner. Being able to show an ongoing relationship is paramount and normally not taken seriously by applicants, the UK Embassy and Australian Embassy do take it seriously for many reasons including below:

  • Your relationship is responsible and ongoing over time
  • Your relationship is not manufactured and you are not trafficking her
  • Your intentions are true and paramount
  • That love exists is correspondence and photographs
  • You care and wish to financially help your Thai partner
  • You are genuine and real people

There are some main things that an Embassy visa office will look for in a visa application. Getting these right is so important and can be done by adding the following items to a UK or Australian visa application:

  • Numerous e-mails
  • Telephone records
  • Numerous photographs together and with the Thai family
  • Chat records, LINE, Whatsapp, Viber
  • Facebook
  • Birthday, Christmas, Valentines Day cards
  • Money transfers
  • Old hotel receipts, receipts from Thailand for anything
  • Old flight tickets
  • A joint trip to Cambodia or Laos will show matching stamps in your passports, so maybe consider planning a 2 day trip

With social media playing a huge part in peoples lives, it should be used as much as possible. To a visa consultant it is like a dream come true, because you can print out reams and reams of chat records. This helps to make the visa application look one foot thick, which is fantastic for showing a strong and solid relationship.

In our experience the best two to use is LINE and Whatsapp because you can save all your chat records and send to me in a word file. Sometimes these can be as long as 2000 pages, which is too much, but 300 would do just fine. There are many others ways, but getting records of old chats can be difficult, so at the moment use the two I recommend as it will make your life so much easier. My presentation and the visa application will be much stronger. Social media in today’s life has brought a massive lift to my job and is like a breath of fresh air so believe it or not this free usage could be the turning point in whether or not you are given a visa to the UK or Australia. This is why the Embassy visa officers know now there is no excuse for not showing a genuine relationship together.

visaYou will be saying what if we live in Thailand together?

This is when a visa agent comes in very handy and is needed to make the presentation the best it is going to be. Because, when you live together it is very difficult to show an ongoing relationship, as you do not sit on the sofa together and send e-mails. So what can you do to show an ongoing relationship when living together? Tips??

  • If you rent property make sure the rental agreement is in both names
  • If you stay at a property make sure at least 1 x utility bill goes to the address e.g. cable TV, telephone bill, internet etc
  • Open a joint bank account and deposit some money in monthly, this also shows an ongoing relationship
  • Keep all receipts including shopping, rental and anything to do with Thailand
  • Loads of photographs and with your Thai partners family
  • If your Thai partner sends money to her family keep the transfer slips
  • If you have a long stay visa for Thailand point it out to the Embassy
  • If you have children add school payment receipts etc
  • If you have built property for your Thai partner show photographs and if you have old building material receipts and the home being built in stages this is great.

The above is just an example of what an Embassy visa officer may wish to see. Therefore it is so important to present your visa application with all the correct documentation, or it could all end up in tears. This is why using Key Visa to handle your paperwork makes such good sense. If you are serious about a visa application then consider using the professionals, Key Visa.

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